As the very first online-service-repair company, Endodoctor GmbH offers a strategic opportunity with fast and simple solutions for first class repairs of: Rigid Endoscopes, Flexible Endoscopes, Endo-Sonographs, TEE-Probes, Compressed-Air hoses, Fibre-Optic, Light Cables, Scissors, Scalpels. Forceps, Punches, Rongeurs, chisels, Spoons, Curettes, Hooks, Elevators, Needleholders, Clamp Forceps, Sping Forceps, Abdominal Retractors.
Order Repair Service:
- Please select a below-mentioned service of Endodoctor GmbH.
- Create a accompanying document which will be send afterwards to you by eMail.
- Print out your accompanying document (eMail) and add it to your shipment.
If there are any problems creating your accompanying document, you can send your shipment document to Endodoctor by Telefax: +49-(0) 7467 – 94 51 89 1